Cloth Nappy Discount Codes
We offer a range of ways to save money at Earth Babes!
For a discount off our All-in-One and All-in-Two cloth nappies use these codes, can be used on both "day" and "night" nappies:
- “6nappies” for 5% off 6 or more nappies
- “12nappies” for 10% off 12 or more nappies
- “24nappies” for a massive 20% off 24 or more nappies
Can be used on:
- Baby Bare Cub AIO (Front Snapping)
- Baby Bare Bare Cub AI2 (Front Snapping)
- Baby Bare Teddy (Side Snapping)
- PeekaBoo AI2 (Velcro)
- Bubblebubs Candie (Side Snapping)
- Seedling Multifit Pocket (Front Snapping)
- Junior Tribe Co. Junior Flex Nappy (Front Snapping)
- Baby Beehinds Magicall AI2 (Velcro)
- Baby Beehinds Magicall Multifit Pocket (Front Snapping)
- Junior Tribe Co. Nighty Nite
- RAWr Stuff n Snaps
Simply add your nappies in whatever prints you like to your cart. Add in the discount code and your savings will show right away! Only one discount code can be used per transaction.
For a discount off our newborn nappies use these codes:
- “6newborn” for 5% off 6 or more nappies
- “12newborn” for 10% off 12 or more nappies
- “24newborn” for a massive 20% off 24 or more nappies
Can be used on Alcmena Newborn Nappies, Junior Tribe Co. Newborn Nappies, Seedling Minifit Pocket, Bubblebubs Bo Peeps, Pebbles and Bambams and Baby Bare Honey Pot, newborn fitted nappies.
Simply add your nappies in whatever prints you like to your cart. Add in the discount code and your savings will show right away! Only one discount code can be used per transaction.
*Discount codes must be entered at the time of checkout, refunds will not be given if a code is not used at the time the order is placed